"I SABI CHOP" is a new reality TV show that airs on the Nigerian television. It is a reality show in its class as it is completely different from what we are used to. The program in its first season requires contestants to indicate interest in participating by purchasing a form for #3, 000.00 only.
The competition is funny (I think), because it has to do with how well you can eat, the contestants are served sumptuous meals (basically African delicacies) with more than enough meats and water to go with it, the panel of judges sometimes have a hard time picking the winner based on how each participants have fared.
The participants are judge based on the following
- How well they have eaten their food (main meal)
- How much meat they have eaten
- If they have any spills on the floor
- If the water was taken at all
The program airs on the Lagos Television (LTV) Alausa every monday between 9:00pm and 9:30pm.
The season two of the program is scheduled for the fist week in October, 2014.
A participant at the show |
Forms are available at
Treasure Hall and Event Place
2 Iperu Akesan Street Alaguntan bus stop, behind Diamond bank
Iyana-paja, Lagos.
The show is hosted by : Smart Oshoko.
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