Wednesday, 3 September 2014


The Independent National Electoral Commission has come with guidelines on how to get a new voters card in case of loss or damage to the card.

A valid voters register with each voter having a voters card is a must to ensure that elections are free and fair.

A person must possess a voters card in order to be accredited and allowed to vote during an election. The card identifies the voter. Thus the voters name can be checked easily by the Presiding Officer or his Assistant. It is therefore important that a person keeps his/her voters card safely, to prevent loss or damage.
However, if a person losses his/her card or if it is damaged, the Independent National Electoral Commission can replace them. The procedure for this process is given below.

 The procedure for replacement of lost or damaged voters cards is as follows:-

  • The voter shall apply in person to the Electoral Officer or any other officer duly authorized for that purpose by the Resident Electoral Commissioner.
  •  The application shall be at least 30 days before an election
  • The applicant shall state the circumstances of the loss or damage
  •  Then, he/she shall be issued with another copy of his original voters card.
  •  The word “DUPLICATE” will be marked or printed on it clearly.
  •  The date of issue will also be printed on the new  voters card.
twitter : @adebisithemmy

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